In the potty training trenches

Its been about 6 weeks since I started potty training my son. Its been a very difficult 6 weeks filled with frustration, meltdowns and screaming, and that's just me. After reading several articles last summer that just happened to surface at just the wrong time, I decided I needed to get with the program. Apparently until the late 40's when disposable diapers were invented, most kids in America were potty trained by their first birthday. Even today many kids in countries around the world are trained by the age of one. My son had just celebrated his 2nd birthday and like every other parent I was comparing the progress of my kid to other kids. I decided to give potty training a chance. My son was already getting more independent which is apparently a sign of readiness. My biggest concern is he didn't talk much. His comprehension was there so there was no speech concerns but I felt it could slow the progress. We had tried sign language with him but it wasn't his or my thing(parenting fail). After a week of torturing him and myself both I decided to put a hold on it and wait a few months. This was a smart idea.
A little over a months ago I decided it was time to give it another try. He was continuing to get more independent and his verbal skills were blossoming. He was starting one day a week preschool and frankly I'm tired of changing messy diapers. I read books, articles and blogs about how to go about this. There are so many options! The"on their own time" method is definitely not for me. Neither is the weekend long toddler boot camp. I decided I would use pieces from several methods. For the first several days we didn't really leave the house. When we are home he's naked from the waste down. I encourage using the potty frequently and I provide small treats and rewards for success.  Getting him to pee in the potty was pretty painless and quick. He won't hold it when we're out in public yet but at home hes pretty good at going and using the potty so long as hes not wearing pants. Poop is where we're at a stalemate. He wont do it. I started to bribe him with Matchbox cars which are his favorite toy in the world.  Occasionally he will earn one which he fondly calls his poop cars. More often than not he doesn't. I've been mostly home bound for the last 6 weeks, leaving primarily for short trips to the grocery store. I want to make sure he has the opportunity to use the potty. But he wont. He will wait until hes wearing something, anything. Pull-ups, underwear or just pants all give him the green light to poop his pants. He will go so far as to go into his room and get a pair of pull-ups himself so he can poop in them. One time he pooped in his crib and when I went in to get him he was laying on the poop that had spilled out of his pull-up so I wouldn't see it. That was fun to clean up. This process is testing my limits. He knows what to do he just wont.

Then we had a breakthrough. We were out for a friends birthday party. He went up to grandpa and asked to use the potty. This was a first. Grandpa took him and all was good. We were all very proud of him and he was very proud of himself. I thought at last he had had a breakthrough and we would cruise to the finish line. The next day he used the toilet again. Then he didn't. He pooped his pants 3 times. And the next day, and the next day. Then we were at the store again and he asked to use the potty. I ran across the store to get him there and he went pee. I knew he needed to do more but he started crying and screaming so we left.  Within a minute he pooped his pants. I was and am at a complete loss. I feel like giving up but that won't help anyone. I want the freedom to leave the house again and I want to be able to take pictures and videos of him without having to do some heavy cropping. We're not there yet but I feel like progress is being made. I love my kid with every fiber of my being and wouldn't give up this time with him for the world but wish me luck. 


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