New beginnings and everything in-between

Part 2 of our saga begins with a devastated couple. The next few months were incredibly difficult. Now, you may be thinking, "They only had them for 9 months, how bad could it be". The thing to remember is we were a couple trying to have kids. To have your perfect dream abruptly end is devastating. I was now unemployed and no longer staying home as a Foster Parent, but I lacked the motivation to successfully find a new job. I looked for work but my heart wasn't in it. My Husband took some personal time too, as we both tried to cope with the loss. I slowly started to clean out the kids rooms. I sorted through the items, deciding what we wanted to keep and what we wanted to donate to the local Foster Closet. Each box I packed up hurt. Memories flooded in with each item I put away. My Husband was the first one to start getting back into the real world. He was starting career number two as a Realtor , so he suggested I get my license and join him. I was somewhat relucta...